what we do

We write and produce radio and digital audio ads for the UK, U.S, Europe, Australia and across the world.


from idea to delivery


A great ad starts with a great idea. We have bags of them, which is why we’ll always deliver several different approaches to your brief.


We take care of every aspect of a job from copy compliance to casting, studio production, voice direction, music search and licensing.


We join up the dots between the creative and the media plan. Ensuring copy gets to its destination on time with all the correct paperwork is all part of our service.


all platforms, all sectors, all ears

Years of creating successful radio ads for brands big and small means we understand who the listener is and how to motivate them to take action. Creative targeting is essential to ensure you reach the right person at the right time with the right message. Every day, our audio experts bring a huge level of intelligence to the process, ensuring the voice, the music and even the language used, targets the listener with pin-point accuracy.

As skilled audio persuaders, we harness the power of sound to create innovative ads in our cutting-edge studio that engage with the listener, driving them to take action.

We take care of the whole process from creative development through to Radiocentre compliance and delivery of final audio – on brief, on time and on budget.

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As far back as 2009 our audio experts helped Spotify launch in the UK. As a preferred production partner, we produce audio ads from our studio for national and international clients including Microsoft, Porsche, Nestle and Stella Artois.

We understand how to create engaging audio ads for this unique listening environment. From in-depth knowledge on delivering mind-blowing 3D audio, to expertise in on-trend audio experiences such as ASMR, your Spotify campaign is in safe hands.

It’s the little things that can make a difference to the success of a Spotify campaign, such as getting into the mindset of a music streamer and understanding how to motivate them to take a specific action. Everyday our creative and studio engineers takes care of the whole process delivering audio that packs a punch.

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Podcast listening has exploded. As the number one production supplier to Acast, every day we’re creating podcast ads for multinational brands such as Audi, Dell, Samsung and American Express.

Our in-house team of 5 writers know exactly how to craft an ad that stands-out, without interrupting the flow of the podcast the listener is immersed within.

Recent work has seen us developing creative for podcast ads for the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand and European markets. We don’t just work in English; we create podcast ads across multiple foreign languages.

Our techniques have been honed over many years, creating powerful audio that excites, informs and fuels the listener to interact with your brand.

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We have the experience to turn a standard ad into one that interacts with Alexa skills to make it an Actionable ad. Send a link to the listener’s mobile, book a test drive, request a sample – it’s the ultimate direct response ad aimed 100% at those listening to radio and audio through their smart speaker.

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With our impressive pool of voice talent and state of the art studios, we can cast and record voices for your next TV or Video ad. We can also provide music and sound effects – all designed to create the right sound for your brand.

The sound of your brand is just as important as the visuals. Identifying your sound and delivering just the right tone and timbre, is a skill our experts use every day to create effective advertising and communications for a variety of brands in a range of sectors.

From a simple job to complex multi-national requirements, we’ll deliver it with efficiency, enthusiasm and professionalism.

Need a voice for an audio ad, a video explainer, a video or TV ad, an IVR or anything that speaks? We can help. We’ve worked with everyone from Oscar winning actors and well-known TV personalities to less famous voices from our selected pool of talent.

Want someone who can characterise the sound of a “crazy square” from the Curiously Cinnamon breakfast cereal? No problem… we’ve the perfect voice. In fact, this is just one example of a real voice brief we’ve delivered on recently.

Our studio works with voices every day; from posh plummy theatrical voices, to ones that sound like your “ordinary man in the street”. Whatever your brief, we can find just the right voice to help add that sparkle to an already great creative idea.

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Using a recognisable music track in your audio advertising can give your brand instant impact. Finding the right “earworm” and successfully negotiating the rights to use it can be a tricky business. Let us take care of it all.

Licensing well-known tracks can really boost your brand’s presence. From golden oldies to up to the minute floor fillers, we’ve worked on them all.

Dealing with multiple rights owners who live in many different time zones across the world can make the process time-consuming. Our audio experts have the patience of a saint, so let us deal with it all for you and save you hundreds of hours of complex work.

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Music is an incredibly powerful communication tool. Whether it’s a full orchestral session at Abbey Road or a simpler music production brief, we have the expertise to deliver bespoke tracks for brands.

Music is an incredible communication tool. It sets the tone, establishes the mood and can create the perfect environment to deliver a brand’s message. Research shows that that ads which use music strategically score more highly across a range of measures than those that don’t feature any music at all. *

From re-recording well-known tracks that have been licensed, to producing unique sung musical identities for audio branding, our musical experts consistently deliver exceptional music production.

*Source: Radiocentre Research – “Strike a Chord”.

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To create or maintain high awareness in a content heavy world means taking good care of your audio brand. Today, you not only have to look good – you must sound good too.

An audio brand can be used anywhere from YouTube videos to phone hold messages, from audio on a website to the backing track on company presentations and in store audio for retail brands and even the sound of an app.

Implementing “Earmark” – our unique 5 step audio branding programme, we help clients develop and control their brand sound, ensuring customers are not just hearing a brand, they’re feeling it too.

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Podcasting listening is still on the rise. We help brands create their own podcast, from developing ideas to finding a suitable host, writing the scripts, recording, editing and uploading to a podcast hosting platform.

Industry experts say that the UK is two years behind the United States in terms of podcast consumption. That can only lead to us seeing massive growth in the UK over the next 24 months.

We believe a branded podcast shouldn’t be directly about the products or services of that brand. Instead, it should feature informative and entertaining content that reflects the ethos of the brand. We can help you develop a format that delivers content that ensures podcast listeners will come back again and again for each new episode, creating a solid brand fan base.

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The Internet of Things is opening up new opportunities for audio. Whether it’s an ad running on Amazon Echo, Google Nest or any smart connected device, we can apply our expertise in digital audio to any new platform.

Working in partnership with Spotify and tech company, Send Me Sample, we produced a series of audio ads for cosmetics company NARS targeted to users of smart speakers. The call to action was “Just say to Alexa or Google Assistant – Ask Send Me a Sample for NARS”.

The listener was then taken through a process to establish which sample the listener wanted and automatically processed the order, delivering the free sample to their home.

This is just one example of how we’re applying our intimate knowledge of audio to new and exciting leading-edge technology.

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innovation through sound



Designed for headphone users, this creates the effect of being immersed in the ad, with sounds happening all around the listener’s head.



Auto Sensory Meridian Response creates a feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, experienced by some in response particular sound stimulus.

Data-Driven Creative

Data-Driven Creative

Using data, we can create personalised ads with more context and relevance to connect with listeners in a more engaging and memorable way.